This Page Is Dedicated To Those
Who Have Come Into Our Hearts, And have Passed On. They Will Always Be Loved, And Are Greatly Missed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
This poem was written by Kim, from
Jacobi to Denise, one week after his passing, as... A note from Jacobi… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
know that it must be different, now that I am no longer there. I realize how much I was loved and how much you really did care. ~
I know it will be hard at first when you look around for me. Expecting to find me in my bedor playing with my bear instead. ~
Someday you will begin to see, although it will take some time, the happy times you shared
with me, the
memories are yours and mine. ~
will remember you my friend, and how much you meant to me. So please don't grieve and don't be sad, it was just MY time
to leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
YOU to all the wonderful, caring people out there who have opened their hearts and wallets to Jacobi. We
have met the cost of his medical needs!!! Jacobi had his surgeries on August 5th. He has a 47.5% chance of
total recovery, 47.5% chance of staying the same, and a 5% chance of being worse. Jacobi also has a very serious hernia
which was repaired at that time. He is a strong boy and wants to live, and he has been given that chance. Thank
you! A
very special THANK YOU to the

We found Jacobi sitting in a kill shelter where he was surrendered
by the very people who is believed to have hurt him. Unable to get to his food and water, shaking and very scared, infested
with fleas and just about hairless. Once inside his run and picked up we quickly realized he had a spinal injury, and
he never so much as curled his lip at me even with as much pain as he was in. We pulled him from the shelter and took
him off to the vet where we learned his back was actually broken, and there were also BBs showing on the x-ray

Against the advice of the vet we were seeing at the time (who
told us he should be euthanized) we scheduled an appointment with Dr. P. At that appointment it was decided that we
would move forward with surgery. Surgery we had no idea how we would pay for but were determine to have in order to
give Jaco a chance. Surgery completed, a week and a half in the hospital, Jacobi came home! Within two weeks he
was able to walk again, was pain free, fleas gone, hair growing back and life had started being much better for him.
These are pictures of him after his surgery while at the Outer
Banks. His recovery moved forward quickly. Every day he was able to do more! Part of his program for recovery
was lots of walking, which we did. As you can see he loved his much he would get his own leash when I said
"you ready', then hold it during our walks. He had his favorite toys he played with all the time, even when he
was limited to his crate he would gather them beside him and lay his head on them. Once he was released from crate
he carried them all over playing.
TROUBLE The news
is pretty bad. I just got home from his visit with Dr. P. He had to stay. He no longer has feeling in his
back legs which of course means he can no longer walk. He is in sever pain, which he will managed through his IV, which
he is getting because he is no longer eating or drinking as of last night (drinking-eating yesterday morning). I had
to express his bladder this morning because he cannot go on his own. My boy is actually worse then what he was the day
we took him out of the shelter. Dr. P. is beside himself and can not figure out what is going on. He will be having
a Mileogram and spinal tap either today or tomorrow morning early to see if it will show where the disconnect/blockage/problem
is in his spine. I don't know
what possible reason there was in being given back his life to enjoy only to take it back away from him a couple wks later.
He was enjoying life so much, he was (and IS) proud and his face always a burst of sunshine. I know people are thinking I should just let him go, or
why is so much money being spent on one dog...but he is worth every single penny, and HE will let me know when he needs to
go. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts. Jaco...
mommy and Bear are pulling for you. Be strong and brave my little man. URGENT UP DATE: Wednesday morning 10/15- Jacobi had a Mileogram
today that has shown a blockage in his spine on the under side. He went straight to surgery at that time to see what
is causing it and repair if possible. The estimation for the Milogram is $1,500-$2,000,
the cost of the surgery unknown at this time. His donation account will be depleted by the cost of his Milogram.
His first surgery cost $3,500.00. We are again asking for help. Please pass along Jacobi's information and ask
everyone you know if they would open their hearts once again to help Jacobi. We have placed the Pay Pal donation button
back on and next to this up date, or checks can be sent to Dog Rescue of MD, P. O. Box 515, Pasadena, MD. 21123. THANK
YOU again for opening your hearts to help Jacobi. Any questions please contact Denise at It is with
great sorrow, sadness and heart break that I post this. My Jacobi came home yesterday morning and was doing as best as could
be expected after a second major surgery. Last night he started being a little more down and I was holding him. He didn't
seem to be comfortable so we made a bed in the floor and we laid there together...having long talks. I told him I hated that
he was having to go through all this again but I wanted him to try and fight and we would work together to get him back to
his life of fun and pain free...but I also told him I would understand if he just could not do it and it would be OK if he
had to leave. I told him if he did to go find Slade, Puppy and Bear and they would run and play with him and show him all
the cool places to play and hang out. His eyes never left mine.
At 11:11 last night, in my arms, Jacobi passed. I had decided to take him to the ER...for what reason
I don't know because I was NOT leaving him or allowing them to take him out of my arms, and before we went around the block
he passed. He just could not go through any more, and he did not want to be back at the he went to where he
can have his life with no pain, no more vets, no one to ever, ever hurt him again. He is running with Slade, Puppy and Bear.
There is a love between Jacobi and I that will never die...THAT will live forever. Karma Jaco...that's what will come to those who caused you harm.
I love you baby. Remember us at the beach.
consider donating in Jacobi's name to the Jacobi
Medical Fund by clicking the donate button on the left. JACOBI, no one can ever hurt you again. Run, play and know how
much you were loved sweet boy. I love you Jaco.
In honor and memory of Jacobi, so that others
will have the same chances he did, and so that he will live on through them, we have started "THE JACOBI MEDICAL
FUND". This
money will go toward helping others, like Jacobi, who have suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to care and love
them, or have just met with bad luck. We will not be able to help them all, but we will be able to help some, with the
help of YOU, just as YOU helped us to help Jaco. Please consider donating what you are able to give so that Jacobi's
help can continue. One by one WE can and will make a difference. Click on the secure Pay Pal link above and your
donation will be applied to his fund. From deep in our hearts, we thank you.
love you Jacobi. |

Loving Memory Of SAMPSON~ It is with a sad heart
that Sampson is being posted on this page today. Our beautiful, sweet Old Man Dude, as he was first called, crossed
over to the Rainbow Bridge on March 4, 2009. He had been battling kidney problems from the time he joined our family
as a stray found roaming the streets. Sammy never really cared much about eating and always drank
large amounts of water all the time. Sammy was the perfect gentleman, perfect companion and a great friend. He
joined our family and fit right in from the start. He put up with foster puppies from two litters who tried
their best to get him to play and hardly ever so much as raised his lip to them, but when he did they listened. Kids
and babies in and out and he loved them all. He loved walks and rides in the truck, didn't mind going to the vet or
having baths. He was an older man who didn't hear or see as well as he once did, but that never got in his way.
Sammy never demanded much attention and would hate when I picked him up to sit on my lap, but he put up with it because that's
what I wanted. Although we tried including him in the bed he would only stay for a few minutes to make me happy then
get down to go on his favorite pillow or blankets. He would walk around as proud as can be carrying his chew hoof in
his mouth! He did look forward to his nightly treat even on the days he wanted nothing to eat. Sammy was a big part of my family and is missed
so very much. I am thankful for that day Sammy entered my life and my family and our lives greatly changed the day he
left us. I know one day we will all be together again, just as I know he watches over us every day.
I love you my Sammy Sam!


In Loving Memory Of DELTA~
Every now and then there is one that can not be helped past what
humans have done to them. Our girl Delta was one. One November day
we received a call about puppies being born outside in a hole. We went and learned that not only were there 6 four week
old pups, but the mom and her male companion. We could not take the pups and leave the adults behind. Mom was
suffering from a severe case of mastitis affecting each of her mammary glans, all were worm and flea infested, and some had
Mange. Traps were set and the adults captured. Due to the medical condition of mom the pups had to be taken from
her per the vet. The pups went into foster care, and the adults went to a boarding kennel short term. After two
weeks they were moved to the private home of a fellow rescuer where they remained until April 15th. During their
time there it was hoped that both Delta and Hanover would become more trusting of humans. That was not the case.
While Hanover would just look away from people it was not that easy with Delta. Delta had such distrust of people
she continued to bite her care giver resulting in multiple bites on many occasions. Delta hated being confined
and being around people. We are very saddened by the decision
that had to be made concerning Delta. On April 15th Delta was humanly sent to the Rainbow Bridge while in the back of
the SUV she first rode in. Making this decision broke our hearts and resulted in many sleepless nights but we know that
Delta is now at peace, which she had not been. Run free girl and know
that you were loved by all of us.

In Loving Memory Of PARKER~
Parker was not of the Dog Rescue of MD's family, but it was a big part of several of us from our years with another rescue.
Parker came to be part of that rescue the same way he came to have his new name of Parker when he was found sitting in a parking
lot. After hours of sitting there rescue was called and Parker became part of the family known as Mid-Atlantic German
Shepherd Rescue. Parker never really liked other dogs, and hated cats, but
loved people and food! He was an older man when found and spent several years in rescue before finally being adopted.
I'll never forget that day! An approved applicant came to meet dogs at the kennel, and there was a list of them to meet.
Parker was not on that list. Terry, who turned out to be Parker's new mom, asked Rebecca and I who that dog was over
there and pointed to Parker Man, then asked why she was not being introduced to him. Rebecca explained all the concerns
that went along with Parker and other dogs, then took Terry to meet our boy. After about 10 minutes Rebecca and I realized
what was happening and both started crying because our boy was FINALLY going home!!!!!!!!!! The scurry was on to get
Pat on the phone so that she could get to the kennel where she usually was anyway spending time with our favorite man.
We didn't want her to miss this! It wqas such a happy, long awaited day for all of us, and by this time all the volunteers
there that day had tears of joy running down their faces. Parker Man finally went HOME!!!!! On May 11th, 2009 Terry took Parker to be checked out by his vet because he was limping. After the first
x-ray the doctore came in and gave Terry the heart breaking news that Parker had advanced bone cancer in his front legs, which
by this time were hollow. With no way of treating his pain well enough to keep him comfortable, Terry laid on the floor
with her boy holding him while he went to the Rainbow Bridge. This is
a very, very hard time for many, many people who knew and loved Parker. We are all so greatful to Terry for the
home and love she gave our boy. My heart breaks for Terry now because the pain she is feeling is very deep and far reaching. What brought a smile to my face as I was reading the note sent to me about his passing is that he didn't feel
bad enough to pass up his breakfast that morning. That was our boy!! Parker
Man, you hold a very special spot in very many people's hearts. We will all see you later boy. Go chase those
cats now!


In Loving Memory Of BUGS~
Once again, it is with great sadness that we add Bugs to our
In Loving Memory page. Bugs, as he was loving nick named by his mom, went to wait for her at that beautiful place Rainbow
Bridge. Where nothing hurts, nothing is wrong, no limits or expectations. A goofy boy, full of energy and the
softest hair ever! He came from a hard life and went to a home where he was loved more then life it's self! He
was the center of everything. He enjoyed playing in his big yard, walks, and the wonderful cuddling. His mom and
fur sister miss him more then there are words to express, but he is watching over them from that wonderful waiting place.
He knows they will all be together when it's time but until then he wants them to enjoy life as they all once did together.....because
he IS still with them. Run free Fuzzy Ears but don't forget to
visit mom while she sleeps and give her those sweet kisses she misses so much. We love love you.
In Loving Memory Of REDS~Reds was rescued several years ago by his 'dad' from people
who let him hop around on a severly broken back leg and BBs embedded through out his body. At the time his name was
Dodger...because he tried to dodge the BBs. Taken away from those people he was off to have his leg surgically repaired
with a steel plate and screws. What I mess he liked like when he came home. He quickly became his dad Don's spoiled
boy! His most favorite thing in life was going to work for the day with dad. First stop was 7-11 for dad's coffee
and his donut! One of the cutest things he done, and I will always remember, is he barked like crazy every time he seen
a black Jeep. It took awhile to figure out why he done this but we did. He though every black Jeep he seen was
his grand mom's that he rode in so he was trying to tell everyone 'there she is!' Reds was such a big lazy baby.
He had his own spot in bed, and you would always find him sleeping on either the chair or sofa. If you made him more
to the floor so a person could sit he had a look of shock on his face! On July 7th I received a call from Don asking me to come check on Reds because his belly was big. Knowing
right away what this was a sign of Reds was carried out and on his way to the pet ER. He was in very serious condition.
Don took him in the back to the treatment area and they started working on him right away. Reds needed emergency surgery,
lots of tests were done, he was sedated for surgery and put on 100% oxygen. His oxygen levels would not come up
to a surgery safe level. More x-rays were taken and showed his lungs, chest cavity and abdominal area were full of fluid
and he would not make it through surgery. I am very sad and broken heart to say that his dad and grandmom said their last good byes to him that day.
He was 13 years old. Red Jed
as many donuts as you want, swipe all the goodies off the counter you can, de-pant everyone you want in play, dig as many
holes as you like, no more nail trimming, but most of all know that we love you boy!

In Loving Memory Of BABY Adopted 9/24/2000 - 5/10/2011
Found running stray on the Eastern
Shore, labeled a chicken killer, shot at, under weight, scared...but as sweet as could be. My girl was my first foster
while wiuth another rescue. After seeing just how fragile she was there was just no way I could let her go. I
"failed fostering 101" right from the beginning! My girl did not have a mean bone in her and I seriously doubt
that she was the one killing chickens. She lived her with me for almost all of her 12 years and never hurt a fly.
She was sweet from start to finish, and had great tolerance and patience for the copuntless fosters who came to us and would
even herd in the many litters of puppies who passed through our hearts and doors.
Baby's death came way before
it's time, and should not have happened. As most large breed dogs she was having hip problems. One hip was totally
gone, the other looked like that of a puppy's. While getting her ready for an FHO surgery she was put on an NSAID (A
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) called Piroxicam (also a human drug). She was on this medication for only 7 weeks,
5 before surgery, 2 afterward. She was doing wonderful after surgery, recovery and rehab was going great. This
drug cause a deadly side effect called Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA). On Mother's Day evening she was
taken to the ER in Annapolis, and it was learned that she had IMHA...which usually does not have a good ending. My beautiful
dancing girl fought a hard fight for three days and nights. On that third night, early in the morning she had a blood
clot travel to her brain and she lost brain function which was very hard to accept even after spending an hour trying to 'get
her back'. Our good-byes were said, along with countless "I love you girl" and consent was given for her to
leave our world and go to peace while being held by the peason she love and who loved her.
A very special THANK YOU to the doctors
and staff at the Annapolis ER who allowed me to stay with my girl in the treatment area and in her hospital cage.
Baby will always be loved and never be
forgotten. I hope you have a big pool to play in and lots of snow my girl!

In Loving Memory Of Ganja 6/22/2011 Our family said a final goodbye to our boy Ganja today. Ganja came to
us many years ago from a homeless man that Donny and Jodi met while working in Baltimore City. Donny and Jodi commented on
how beautiful he was and the man asked them if they wanted him because he didn't
know how much longer he would be able to care for him and keep him safe. Ganja jumped in the truck and quickly became part
of all of us, and at the time my very favorite granddog. He was quite an entertaining
fellow. Any chance he got to take us on a quick running tour of the neighborhood he did! He would stop when he got too far
ahead and wait and watch for
us to catch up to him and when we got j u s t close enough to grab him he would take off again. I didn't much like that little
game of his back then, but longed for them once he got older and moving became chore for him.
When Maryjane was born he spent most of his time watching over her. Anytime she would cry he would go to Donny or Tina and
lead them to the baby's room. He didn't like his little
girl being in need.
Ganja died at home this morning with his
favorite two little girls close by. They joined us for that dreaded ride
to the crematory where they said their final goodbyes, I love yous, and
told him what a good boy and friend he had been. Our boy will surely be missed.

Loving Memory Of Sarge 1/7/1997 - 11/8/2011 Sarge
came to us at 2.5 years old from a family who decided they no longer wanted him. He was a young boy full of energy always
wanting to run, jump and play. Not long after he joined our family he and his fur sister Baby (above) crashed in the
back yard while running. Sarge reputured a disc and was instantly paralyzed. Rushed to his vet, put on meds
to reduce the swelling and off to a wonderful surgeon in Annapolis...
Dr. Prostredny, who after surgery and a long recovery and rehab was up and running again! His
recovery was not fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarge was always our cocky attitude boy, never really liking kids much, never taking
anything from anyone or other dogs, but loved to be cuddled, loved to lay in the sun, and liked to go for rides and walks...but
had to be the lead walker! Our boy worked hard all his life after his injury but he never gave
up......until he was just short of being 15 years old at which time we just feel he was tired and wanted to be at peace and
pain free. My boy left me but I could not be more grateful for having Sarge come into our lives, love us as much as
we loved him and for his injury not taking his life. "I miss you my bubbies...suck up all the sun you want my boy'!

In Loving Memory Of Charlie October 23, 2011 Charlie came home
with us July 4th weekend in 2007. His story was that while his "dad" went in for heart surgery, his adult children
took Charlie to the shelter. I always wondered if his original dad made it back from the hospital, and I felt guilty keeping
his boy. I know for sure that he was a loved dog before he got to us, and he got plenty of love at our house too! There were
no adjustment issues. While Charlie did enjoy a good romp after the cats, he never meant any harm to anyone except possibly
bicycles and skateboards. Again, maybe it was just the sport of it. Other than that, Charlie was like Uncle Joe, movin' kind
of slow. He also reminded me of Ferdinand the Bull. He enjoyed the pleasures of life, good food, kisses, and long snoozes
on the couch. He'd prefer not to move, but if someone came to the door, he'd fly off the couch to protect his castle. He had
a few health issues, especially a heart that beat, as my vet said, "faster than any he'd ever listened to," and
I always suspected the health issues related back to enjoying the pleasures of human food too much. There were weight issues.
We tried, but there was a bit of yo-yoing with the weight, as he would discover sources of food behind my back, that tricky
devil. Then he'd look at you with those big innocent eyes. Charlie was a friend to all, a good-natured and happy dog. He was
only with us for three years, but I like to think that we gave him good times and pleasant living to the end. He died quietly
in the house. We miss him every day.
Very hard to write about my friend. Still hurts.

In Loving Memory Of Dutch 2012 I have some very sad news. As much as it pains me to tell you this, I feel you have every
right to know.
A few weeks ago, Dutch quietly passed away in his sleep. The vet told me he'd had a stroke--completely
out of the blue. They couldn't find a single possible cause, they only found the clot in his lung. He was healthy, young and
strong. The vet said it was one of those one-in-a-million things caused only by bad luck. It was instantaneous though and
he felt no pain.
I was in total shock for days. It's so hard to believe that an animal so vibrant and full of life
can simply disappear in an instant. He was so valuable to me.
he didn't really disappear. I can't take him for walks anymore, or chase him around the basement or be reprimanded by him
for getting home late, but I'll always have him with me.
Though my time with him was cut
short, I will always, always remember it as a precious, defining experience in my life. He taught me so much and helped
me grow as a person. Right away I started thinking of all the funny things he did, even the naughty things, and I found comfort
remembering what a happy dog he was. He was the happiest dog I have ever known. To him, every little thing was something to
be excited about. Every little moment. Remembering that makes me happy and it gives me something to learn from.
I want to thank you, as well as the other members of the rescue, from the very bottom of my heart for helping to
bring him into my life. I loved him so very much and I know you did too.
is a picture I took earlier this year of him playing in the basement. It's one of my favorite pictures of him. He always seemed
to be smiling. That's how I'll remember him.
Again, thank you for everything.
I am so, so sorry to give you this sad news but I wanted to be sure to thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am.

In Loving Memory Of Willow 12/10/2012 Our beautiful
little hairless girl Willow was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Cancer. Although was treatment for this type of cancer
it was just a short term fix and would win in the end. It is with a very sad broken heart that I post this today...our little
Willow Ween (as I called her) was in extreme pain and her adopter made the decision to give her peace. I wish I could have
visited with my foster girl before this decision was made but I know I will get to see her again one day, and I know she will
be with me until then. Love you my Willow Ween.

In Loving Memory Of
Gunnar October
2011 – December 2013 Gunnar was a puppy I rescued from a friend of mine’s
neighbor. They received him as a “Christmas gift” and 2 weeks later were loading him into the car to take to the
shelter to give up. I couldn’t let that happen so at 12 weeks old, I had a new member of my family. He was my best friend
and my protector. We loved our walks, vacations together and pizza dipped in garlic butter sauce! At age 10 he developed hip
issues and we worked to keep him healthy and pain free. But after 2 years he told me it was his time to go. I was selfish
and hung on to hope for another 9 months but knew it was time. This was the hardest decision to make and I miss him every
day, but I know he is now pain free and chasing those pesky squirrels over the Rainbow Bridge. Miss you my dearest friend!

In Loving Memory Of SANDY~ July 5, 2004- February 16, 2013
is my Sandy, she was my beautiful little girl. Sandy was my heart. She brought so much love to those that knew her. I feel
so honored, to have been her human and to have been given the chance to love her each and everyday of her life. I will love
her always......

In Loving Memory Of Ms. POSIE.
Posie came to us a mess from neglect. She had hardly any of her beautiful coat left due to a skin infection leaving
her with open, seeping sores. She won our hearts the minute we seen her at the shelter! Posie and her foster mom
had a long road of medicated baths ahead of them! While still undergoing her daily baths a family was interested in
meeting her to adopt. That's where her loving family came into her life. Just like with us it was love at first
sight, even with her skin condition. Her family adopted her, took her home and never thoughts twice about doing so.
There were health ups and downs (visit Getting Involved) involving cancer, but all hung in there and Posie never gave up.
She had a very scary surgery in 2001 but she pulled through and it gave her 4.5 more years with her family! As her mom
said..."I believe she was meant to be part of our family"...doesnt get any better then that. Posie took
a turn for the worse and on March 24, 2015 she lost her battle with illness while surrounded by the love of her family.
Our girl will be missed as much as she was love...which was beyond words. With no pain or illness run and explore sweet Posie.

In Loving Memory Of SYDNEY~ Sydney,
a rescue from route 100 in Glen Burnie on a rainy night, matted, dirty, skinny and afraid, but still very sweet. It
was decided due to the condition she was in and how afraid she was that no attempt would be made to locate her owners.
They did not deserve to have her back and she deserved much more then them. Sydney became confident and more beautiful
then you could have imagined. She helped to raise countless fosters, both puppies and adults. She, along with
several others on this page, played a very important part in numerous other dogs and puppies finding their forever homes.
She tolerated beyond understanding as fostered orphand puppies pulled her hair, tried to nurse, chewed on her toes...the list
goes on and on. She was a good teacher and a loved family member. We had to say good by to our girl Syd on June
12, 2014 after her joints had just worn out and she was in great, unmanageable pain. My heart broke to say good
by to another one of my fur-family but I know she is running free with her friends that pasted before her, and I know she
has joined them in watching over their family below. I miss you my girl, and I will alway love you my Sydney Girl.
Run and play free of the pain that held you back!