Thoughts and Prayers for Posie |

Our beautiful
girl Posie who was adopted in January 2009 needs your thoughts and prayers. Posie came to us from Animal Control due
to being abused and neglected. She had very little fur, and most of her skin was raw. Even with all that her sweetness
never left! Ms. Posie has been diagnosed Thyroid cancer and will under go surgery next week (wk of 9/20).
The long term prognosis is not good. Even if the surgeon can get it all, which with this cancer can be very tricky,
she will have a reoccurrence in 1-4 years. Please join us in our thoughts and prayers for Posie and her wonderful family.
Up date on our Miss Posie- We want to
thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers! Posie had her surgery and done very well. Because of the type of
cancer, and it's location, her Oncologist suggested not putting her through chemo,
there would be no real benefit to Posie. She is back to being her beautiful self and enjoying life! Again, thank
you for all your thoughts and prayers, please keep them going. Up date on our Miss Posie- It is with
a very sad heart that we post this up date on our sweet, beautiful Ms. Posie. Posie lost her battle with illness on
March 24, 2015 surrounded by her wonderful family who loved her very deeply. Posie was a special lady who did not have
such a great life before she joined our rescue family, where she instantly became a favorite. Not long after she met
her wonderful family who fell in love with her at first sight...which due to her skin condition was surprising. Off
she went to start her new, wonderful life! We will always be greatful to her family for loving her totally. Run and explore sweet girl where nothing can ever make you sick or hurt again. We all love you Ms. Posie! _______________________________________________________
Not everyone wants to get involved in the same
way. We need people to help host meet and greets at a Petsmart, Foster dogs, Help with the web site, Prepair grants, or just
spread the word about us.
Zoey~Sponsored By~Jodie
Conley of Millersville, MD. Adoptive 'mom' of Harbor, and faithful supporter. A Very Special
THANK YOU To Jodie Conley Who Continuously Helps To Financially Support Our Cause...Helping Dogs To Not Be Homeless.
Jennifer Thompson,
in loving memory of her beautifu girl Schula. A Very Special THANK YOU
for Continuously Helping To Financially Support Our Cause...Helping Dogs To Not Be Homeless
Volunteer Your Time
If you can help
us help them in any way the dogs always win!
Register for an Upcoming Event If you know of an event near by, or are hosting an event, let us know.
Please see the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page. Come out and show your support and learn more about us.
The Jacobi
Medical Fund In honor and memory of Jacobi, and so
others will have the same chances he did, we have opened the Jacobi Medical Fund. This money will go toward helping
others, like Jacobi, who have suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to care and love them. We love you Jacobi.
Make a Donation Please make a donation. Remember, folks charitable contributions are tax deductible!
General donations help us to continue to help them! |
Foster a dog! We are always in need of more people to provide foster homes for our dogs.
Remember, the more fosters we have the more lives we can save together. Please help us to help them.