We are in desperate...DESPERATE
need of loving, committed foster homes. Without the
love, kindness, understanding and commitment of animal lovers like yourself we just cannot save as many lives. We need homes for them to live in, be loved and socialized in order to bring
them out of shelters or risky/threatening
situations. PLEASE won't you consider joining
our rescue family and becoming a volunteer and foster. Your
heart will beat happier knowing and seeing the difference you have made. THANK YOU.

Holloween Pictures! Pet
Valu 6718 Ritchie Hwy, Glen Burnie, MD. 21061 (Best Buys shopping ctr) Come by and join the store fun and enter your fur baby in the costume contest and get their pictures taken
while you're there! 10/22/2016
10:00AM ~ 4:00PM
A Special SANTA PHOTO Day! November
12th, 10:00AM ~ 3:00PM Pet
Valu 6718 Ritchie Hwy, Glen Burnie, MD. 21061 (Best Buys shopping ctr) Come have your Santa Photos taken in time to have them sent out by Thanksgiving!
Volunteer Application
Jacobi Medical Fund In honor and memory of Jacobi, and so others will have the same chances he did, we have opened the Jacobi
Medical Fund. This money will go toward helping others, like Jacobi, who have suffered at the hands of those who were
supposed to care and love them. We love you Jacobi.
Sponsored By ~ Jodie
Conley of Millersville, MD. and adoptive 'mom' of Harbor. A
Very Special THANK YOU To Jodie Conley Who Continuously Helps To Financially Support Our Cause...Helping Dogs To Not Be Homeless. Jennifer Thompson, in loving
memory of her beautifu girl Schula. A Very Special THANK YOU for Continuously
Helping To Financially Support Our Cause...Helping Dogs To Not Be Homeless