Do you have comments or questions about our organization?
Would you like to become a Volunteer, or Foster? Please ask for an application by contacting us at, or down load them from our application page! Or
you can reach us at our mailing address: Dog
Rescue of MD. P. O. Box 515 Pasadena, MD. 21123 410-320-5010 Please remember, our Petfinders list is
kept current. When dogs are adopted we move them from being available. The fastest way to start the adoption or
foster process is to submit an application.
Please visit our Petfinder website
General donations
help us to continue to help them!
The Jacobi Medical Fund In honor
and memory of Jacobi, and so others will have the same chances he did, we have opened the Jacobi Medical Fund. This
money will go toward helping others, like Jacobi, who have suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to care and love
them. We love you Jacobi.